Tuesday 22 July 2008

Vampires and Paddling Pools

So, to start off like I ended yesterday, here's my review of the From Dusk Till Dawn trilogy:

The first film I had seen a few years ago so I could remember the basic storyline, but it was still good to watch again. Annoyingly, George Clooney is quite good in it, and he's definitely the best actors out of the two brothers, the other being played by Quentin Tarantino, so I don't think anyway was expecting all that much really... The special effects aren't exactly the most stunning, and I've seen older movies than that having better vampire effects, but I'm guessing they didn't have the biggest budget, it being just a tad absurd of a storyline xD

The second film on the other hand, that was a significantly worse storyline, and the special effect were even worse this time round. Of note is the stupidly daft scene of the woman in the shower (yes, it was that cheesy) where a bat flies at the shower curtain, and it's hit the shower curtain but the same flying effect is still happening so it's 'flying' forward but not going anywhere, it's not even pushing the shower curtain forward. The rest of the movie isn't really worth mentioning, so I'll just move on to number three.

Three is a vast improvement on two, especially helped by the fact that they got a fair few of the actors from the first one involved in this one, cementing it much more into the storyline of the movies. It's a prequel to number one, but the premise is pretty much the same. A bunch of good guys has to join forces with a bunch of bad guys while they force off a huge pile of vampires, and thankfully it's done quite well.

In un-movie related news, I had a pretty eventful day today. Mhairi texted me asking if I want to come up to Birky to play in a paddling pool with water guns. Of course I said yeah, so me, Mhairi, Paul, Sarah, Turgoose, Greg and Michael all ended up in Mhairi's back garden, buying a paddling pool and 2 water guns xD It was good fun, especially soaking the pathetic babies that were Paul and Matthew xD

After we dried off from that, Matthew, Greg and Michael decided they'd go up to Blair Atholl to take photays of sunsets and stuff, while me, Mhairi, Paul and Sarah all went off to St Andrews for a wander. We ended up walking round castles, through streets and along beaches, and not one of us fell down this big hole we crawled around xD I made dams too, and they were sexygood, not breaking until I decided to bomb them with stones xD

Now I'm lying in bed watching Hell Boy 2, and it's almost finished so I suppose I can say what I think of it here too xD It's a good movie, and if you can you should go see it in the cinema because, like del Toro's other movies, the creatures are amazing, and once more he's made a movie with really good storyline, great characters, and a well-written and quite funny script. The worst bit of course is the fact that David Hyde Pierce (Niles in Frasier) no longer voices Abe Sapian, but the character itself is still pretty funny. He's still my favourite xD

Oh! And guess what I did tonight, 100 sit-up thingies and 100 and something press-ups (is that what they're called? xD). Seeing as I didn't do the cycling thing I said I would, I've decided to do other exercises instead, and if I ever do start cycling, I'll try keep up the other exercises as well, so that I get extra fit :D I even ate a kiwi tonight to be extra healthy xD

Gotta remember to sign on tomorrow as well... I got distracted by cleaning today... xD

Anyways, enough for just now, sorry this post isn't too exciting, but as I said, I'm watching a movie so my concentration's elsewhere xD

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