Tuesday 15 July 2008

Kinda might have...

Got into the movies mood again... Although 5 films in a day really isn't very many for me.

I watched 2 Monty Python movies, The Meaning of Life and The Life of Brian, and they're pretty good, but I wouldn't say they were my favourite movies or anything. I was surprised I only knew 1 song out of all of the songs in both of them, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, but I suppose everyone knows that.

This evening I watched The Fog (the 2005 remake, not the original) and Ghost Rider. The Fog was terrible, bad storyline, bad acting, the whole shebang, and having the guy who plays Superman in Smallville play the lead role was a baaaaaad decision...

Ghost Rider was slightly better, and had real actors in it... Well it had one, but that alone made it miles better than The Fog xD. Out of every superfhero movie I've seen, this one more than any other sets itself up for a sequel. Once you see the last scene you realise the whole movie is pretty much just an introduction to the character, and it ends with a real story beginning.

I also went to the cinema with Turgoose today, we went to see Hancock. I didn't realise until we were sat down in our seats the mistake I'd made... I was sitting in a cinema about to watch a film with a black lead actor with Matthew. Why I didn't see this happening before I got there I do not know... As soon as the opening titles appear Matthew goes "you see if the first person to appear on the screen is one of them [yes, be appalled] then I'm walking out of here." Thankfully the first guy on screen wasn't black, so he stayed in his seat. That didn't stop him from trying to count the number of black people who appeared on the screen though... He got somewhere in the 30s or 40s (thankfully he did most of the counting in his head) before he gave up during a prison scene. It didn't end there though, later on in the movie he started trying to persuade me that Will Smith has got "darker" over the years, and that he used to be a "pale brown." One day that boy will get kicked in... and he will deserve every single bit of it xD

Hancock itself was a pretty good movie. I did manage to predict a fairly big plot element pretty early on (I watch too many movies xD), but it seemed to shock the Hell out of Matthew xD. To be honest, I'm amazed that they managed to keep such a big shock out of the trailers and features for the film, and there's bits in it that most other advertising people would use in the trailer for any movie they were working on, but the advertising people for Hancock managed to keep it under wraps, and well done to them xD

I promised myself I'd stop watching so many movies and start doing better things, and it worked for a few days xD. But I don't have any more movies lined up so here's hoping I start reading Prince Caspian tomorrow, and if it's anything like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe I'll be done with it in a few hours, but once I've got through all the Narnia books maybe then I'll be able to use my sexy new library card...

Me and Jodes are cool... we got library cards...


Anyways, I'm away to bed soon seeing as I'm going to try and get an 11 oclock bus to Birky tomorrow and I need to wash my hair and stuff before I go so I'll have to get up at some stupidly early time... We're making a tree house, so it could be interesting xD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't remember being invited to this little treehouse rendezvous!