Tuesday 8 July 2008

Bruce Almighty II: Everybody Dance Now

AKA Evan Almighty, but I like my name better...

I don't care what critics say, the film was pretty good xD Thankfully Steve Carrell was given the lead role because, despite what certain people say, he's actually a good leading man when it comes to comedies, and for once, film critics agree with me on this one xD

Plus there's the whole saving the planet message that they're trying to get across with the movie, and the makers even planted over 2,000 trees to carbon offset the production of the film (that means that the tree planted will technically soak up all the carbon dioxide that was produced during the production of the film). They also used over 200 CGI animals rather than real life ones, they donated as much of the set and production stuff as possible to charity, they asked for donations from everyone at the premiere, they used recycled materials wherever they could, and they raised enough money for some save-the-planet charity to plant another 15,000 trees. So they were hardly horrendous people xD Although I bet they regret all that now seeing as it cost $200,000,000 to make the film (including marketing, the cost of the script - a record $2,500,000, and people's wages - $5,000,000 for Carrell alone) and they've only made $173,000,000 to date :P

On the topic of Jim Carey films xD The bastard better not ruin Yes Man... That was a really good book (it's by Danny Wallace! Go read it!) and I don't want it ruined by him... He's okay in some films, but in others he's crap so here's hoping for a good one xD

Going in town tomorrow... gonna get my library card activated xD I am too cool. Y'see if Dundee's libraries have Danny Wallace and Dave Gorman's books then I am having me some fun xD

Anyways, I'm away now, so I'll see yis all soon...

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