Monday 21 July 2008

This is the BBC.

And we have the iPlayer.
And it is good.

Well it amuses me for a few hours every week xD

Only watch 3 programmes on it really, and I watched all this week's episodes one after the other xD

First was Mock the Week, the scene kid's favourite programme, starring Frankie Boyle, the scene kid's favourite comedian. Can you guess I liked the programme more before every scemo under the sun started hailing it as the second coming? This week's was quite good, and my opinion of Russell Howard (who used to annoy me almost as much as Michael McIntyre does) changed completely after that bit about the different newspapers. Admittedly the show epitomises the fact that the panelists of comedy panel shows are shown the questions hours before the show is filmed so that they can write some material, but it's still pretty damn funny.

Seeeecondly was Top Gear, tonight with the oddest challenge I've ever seen... Although to be honest it's probably not really, but at the moment I can't think of any odder ones. At first I got confused by the first challenge (not the odd one) of what is the better rich-man car because The Hamster wasn't involved, but the I realised that that was because the challenge was between the presenters' actual cars and not cars they bought just for the show. To be honest, it was fairly obvious who's car was better right from the start, but it was still a good bit of TV. And then there was the silly challenge, which was also quite predictably good TV, but what else did you expect when Clarkson dresses his car up like a fox and gets a bunch of posh English fox-hunters (including The Hamster, but not for some reason May, the man who seems a lot more gentry) to hunt him down through the English countryside. Amusement (I was going to say hilarity, but that would probably be going a bit far) ensues as Clarkson destroys forests, demolishes hedges and ford the odd river or two. It is true that the producers probably told the hunters not to catch him too quick thereby making the whole thing a bit staged, but it was still good fun to watch. And for once I was rooting for Clarkson and not The Hamster xD

Thirdly, my Doctor Who replacement, the oddly amusing Bonekickers. It's a poorly acted, poorly written programme about a bunch of archaeologists uncovering this week's mystery and solving it in blown out of proportion storylines including (and this was all this week): mysterious swords, shipwrecks, tribes of escaped slaves, drug-driving, murders, arsons, a kidnapping or two and a black US presidential candidate. Although not amazing TV, it's good fun to watch and it amuses me enough to keep me watching for the whole hour xD Plus, as it's a drama made by the BBC, a series only lasts 6 episodes so all the season-long plot arcs are over pretty quick xD

On a separate note, before I got home and milked iPlayer of its TV goodness, I went to the cinema with my mum, sister and Yoda tonight to see Mamma Mia! (the explanation mark is in the title, I'm not shouting). It's pretty good, and you can tell that the cast all must have had a great time filming it, and it apparently sticks to the Broadway musical's storyline almost perfectly (my sister and mum have seen it). The three dad's were of course the best bits, although Colin Firth should have got more singing in, because it was just funny xD Pierce Brosnan got a song in, and he cannot sing, but that just makes it all the funnier :P The other dad is the Swedish actor who plays Will Turner's dad, Bootstrap Bill, in the Pirates movies, and being in a Pirates movies (and not being called Keira or Orlando) means I have to love you, so given that I liked Pierce and Colin already, I didn't know which one of the 3 I wanted the dad to actually be x

Julie Walter's character is really good, although she's always pretty good, so there was no surprise there. Also, I'm glad that Amanda Seyfried got a role that didn't have her playing someone daft like she does in Mean Girls (she's the blonde plastic) because she plays it pretty well.

I also watched the first 2 From Dusk Till Dawn movies, but I'm not writing about them until I've watched the 3rd, a prequel to the first or so I'm told...

So all in all, I had a fairly pointless day, but it amused me, and that's enough to make me happy ^^ I'll try and actually do something productive tomorrow... Oh yeah, I'm signing on, so I suppose that counts xD I might actually start looking for a job too... because if I go on Mhairi's estimates of how much money I'll need then I'll need to be earning like a grand a month xD

Anyways, that'll do for one post, so I'll write again tomorrow. Maybe I'll be bothered to make my bike work by then xD

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