Tuesday 29 July 2008


Up to a certain point anyway...

Tonight we went for pizza (which he paid for because he's a gem, a very rich gem but a gem indeed), and he said he'd get us both a drink from The Belltree while we waited. He got himself a bottle of Budweiser (all make fun of him for that xD) and then asked the barman "What's the poofiest drink you've got in a bottle? Because I'll have one of them two" or something along those lines ¬¬ So he's sitting there with a beer (admitedly not a very good one) and I'm there with a raspberry flavoured half sugar Bacardi Breezer ¬¬

Would have been all fine and well had not 3 drunk Englishmen came over to us and started asking us about where they could get weed. It took me until they went away to realise that I'd sat there the whole time with a Breezer in my hand... Damn Robbie xD

Which of course sparked a new conversation about who would give and who would take if me and Robbie were in a relationship together. To solve this argument, what does Robbie do? None other than go up to the next person to walk past and ask them who out of the two of us would take it up the ass if we went out... Apparently the man did not want to offend the poor boy with the Breezer, because he said that we could both take equal turns at butt-fucking each other xD

So yeah, all the rest of you folk who might not like Robbie, well I DO. And not just because he buys me stuff xD

Just a Quickie

Because I feel like I haven't blogged enough...

Went to a wee party at the weekend, the best bit being of course me meeting The Fuhrer. His name is James and he's a Tory. See, all of this makes him seem like a bad person, but I actually really like him xD He's pretty funny, and best of all he's not afraid to ask for things. Like when we went into the kitchen (and I mean actually went in) of a posh restaurant at midnight and asked if there was any leftovers that they were willing to give us for free xD And guess what, it worked xD We got two massive tubs of potato *ahem* "Gratin Dauphinois" that were soooooo tasty xD

I'm sure I had something else to say but I can't remember what it is...

I think I'm going to see The Dark Knight tomorrow with Matthew, I forgot we'd planned to go xD It looks pretty good, and as long as dead people can act I'm looking forward to seeing Mr Suicide because he's usually pretty good. Even ask
Jake Gyllenhaal xD

Got my jobseekers allowance interview tomorrow. Greg says that most of your time there is spent sitting doing nothing and only 10 minutes of it is actual interview, so looks like it'll iPod time.

I wish I'd started looking earlier though, all the shops in town seem to have just hired all their new employees after last year's students left to go on to greater things. The guy in Gamestation actually said that to me, it's not like I'm making this up as an excuse for them not liking me xD He pretty much just came out and said that all of the shops were already doing their interviews or had done them already (Gamestation did there's today, in case you needed to know).

Ah well, here's hoping that unlike Jodie the job centre will actually work for me and I'll get something out of it xD

Anyways, I'm away to bed now, I need to get up at like 2 for this stupid interview and It's already almost quarter to 3 xD


Saturday 26 July 2008

My sister

Is a great drunk xD

She's one of the drunks who stumbles about the places, and when she speaks to you she hold onto you to stay standing xD I was playing Worms on my laptop and she was all "Is that that game that we used to play like aaaaaaaall the time?" excepts she slurred all the words xD

Thank God she has Gemma looking after her :P

My mum 2 minutes ago: "Is Catriona in?"
Me: "Yeah."
Mum: When did she get in?"
Me: "Oh aaages ago" [that means 10 minutes xD]
Mum: How was she?
Me: "Looked completely sober if you ask me"

I hope she does the same for me xD

I love parties at the moment, and I don't mean the parties themselves (they were great anyway) but I love the fact that they're all near me xD Last week was just down the road in Monifieth and tomorrow I'm at a party in the Ferry. It's great xD For once I'm not having to get 2 busses home from everywhere xD

So I need to get a job... I went hunting around the house for the Courier again tonight but my mum or dad must've been reading it in bed 'cause I couldn't find it anywhere, and I even checked the paper bin... I'll just apply to any and every admin type job I can find, and anything else which doesn't look too complicated xD I'm too clumsy to even try and do anything that involves making or serving food :P I'm applying to the Odeon as well, with the help of Sarah, 'cause I like the unlimited movie tickets perk of the job xD

Went to Camperdown yesterday, twas good :D We had barbeques and sunbathed all day ^^ And Matthew drove his car into the middle of some grassy bit which was soooo obviously not allowed but we got away with it for hours before anyone made him move it xD

Went to Matthew's afterwards too, on the way we went to Halfords because Matthew had money and Matthew loves spending money xD He walked out the shop with two new windscreen wipers, which the lovely Halfords people put on for him (what those Halfords adverts on Dave before Top Gear don't say is that for all their special services they charge you xD Matthew go charged £3 for 30 seconds work that he probably could've done himself :P). We ate food and watched TV all evening, so it was good xD

I have a new way of ending blogs, I will post a YouTube video that relates to what I've done lately xD

Here's today's, because Matthew had this song on in his car and it reminded me of seeing this on TV :P

Tuesday 22 July 2008



Edmund and Lucy don't get to go back!
That was a bit sudden xD He really does write for kids though, doesn't he? xD Well, he writes for people who just accept what he says without needing more definition that "You're too old." So kids and blondes then... And he finishes it like "And then Caspian sailed back to Ramandu's island and all four of the Lords were awakend once more and Caspian married Ramandu's daugher and they had lots of children and their children had lots of children." I mean come on, you could have made more of a story of it than that xD Still good books though, and I do like them more now that I don't know what's going to happen :P


So today... I hoovered my entire house (I dusted it yesterday) and then washed all the dishes. I did another chore too but I can't remember what it was xD I watched The Corpse Bride again when I was doing it, and it's still a good film ^^ Burton casting his woman and his man once more xD

Then when I was complaining to Matthew that I was bored he said he felt like driving to Perth to go to some camera shop and look at things, and I said I'd keep him company so off we went xD We really didn't do much when we got there: he went into the shop, looked around a bit, got himself 2 Manfrotto's, then we went for food, sat in his car and ate it, and then we went home again. You can tell Matthew cares loads for the environment xD Oh to be as rich as him.

Iain: So when do you get more money?
Matthew: £50 at the end of the month from my dad.
Iain: Why does he give you that?
Matthew: To keep me happy.

No wonder the boy's minted xD And he signed on today xD And so did I :D So that should be £97 a fortnight from today xD I should probably start looking for a job too...


Vampires and Paddling Pools

So, to start off like I ended yesterday, here's my review of the From Dusk Till Dawn trilogy:

The first film I had seen a few years ago so I could remember the basic storyline, but it was still good to watch again. Annoyingly, George Clooney is quite good in it, and he's definitely the best actors out of the two brothers, the other being played by Quentin Tarantino, so I don't think anyway was expecting all that much really... The special effects aren't exactly the most stunning, and I've seen older movies than that having better vampire effects, but I'm guessing they didn't have the biggest budget, it being just a tad absurd of a storyline xD

The second film on the other hand, that was a significantly worse storyline, and the special effect were even worse this time round. Of note is the stupidly daft scene of the woman in the shower (yes, it was that cheesy) where a bat flies at the shower curtain, and it's hit the shower curtain but the same flying effect is still happening so it's 'flying' forward but not going anywhere, it's not even pushing the shower curtain forward. The rest of the movie isn't really worth mentioning, so I'll just move on to number three.

Three is a vast improvement on two, especially helped by the fact that they got a fair few of the actors from the first one involved in this one, cementing it much more into the storyline of the movies. It's a prequel to number one, but the premise is pretty much the same. A bunch of good guys has to join forces with a bunch of bad guys while they force off a huge pile of vampires, and thankfully it's done quite well.

In un-movie related news, I had a pretty eventful day today. Mhairi texted me asking if I want to come up to Birky to play in a paddling pool with water guns. Of course I said yeah, so me, Mhairi, Paul, Sarah, Turgoose, Greg and Michael all ended up in Mhairi's back garden, buying a paddling pool and 2 water guns xD It was good fun, especially soaking the pathetic babies that were Paul and Matthew xD

After we dried off from that, Matthew, Greg and Michael decided they'd go up to Blair Atholl to take photays of sunsets and stuff, while me, Mhairi, Paul and Sarah all went off to St Andrews for a wander. We ended up walking round castles, through streets and along beaches, and not one of us fell down this big hole we crawled around xD I made dams too, and they were sexygood, not breaking until I decided to bomb them with stones xD

Now I'm lying in bed watching Hell Boy 2, and it's almost finished so I suppose I can say what I think of it here too xD It's a good movie, and if you can you should go see it in the cinema because, like del Toro's other movies, the creatures are amazing, and once more he's made a movie with really good storyline, great characters, and a well-written and quite funny script. The worst bit of course is the fact that David Hyde Pierce (Niles in Frasier) no longer voices Abe Sapian, but the character itself is still pretty funny. He's still my favourite xD

Oh! And guess what I did tonight, 100 sit-up thingies and 100 and something press-ups (is that what they're called? xD). Seeing as I didn't do the cycling thing I said I would, I've decided to do other exercises instead, and if I ever do start cycling, I'll try keep up the other exercises as well, so that I get extra fit :D I even ate a kiwi tonight to be extra healthy xD

Gotta remember to sign on tomorrow as well... I got distracted by cleaning today... xD

Anyways, enough for just now, sorry this post isn't too exciting, but as I said, I'm watching a movie so my concentration's elsewhere xD

Monday 21 July 2008

This is the BBC.

And we have the iPlayer.
And it is good.

Well it amuses me for a few hours every week xD

Only watch 3 programmes on it really, and I watched all this week's episodes one after the other xD

First was Mock the Week, the scene kid's favourite programme, starring Frankie Boyle, the scene kid's favourite comedian. Can you guess I liked the programme more before every scemo under the sun started hailing it as the second coming? This week's was quite good, and my opinion of Russell Howard (who used to annoy me almost as much as Michael McIntyre does) changed completely after that bit about the different newspapers. Admittedly the show epitomises the fact that the panelists of comedy panel shows are shown the questions hours before the show is filmed so that they can write some material, but it's still pretty damn funny.

Seeeecondly was Top Gear, tonight with the oddest challenge I've ever seen... Although to be honest it's probably not really, but at the moment I can't think of any odder ones. At first I got confused by the first challenge (not the odd one) of what is the better rich-man car because The Hamster wasn't involved, but the I realised that that was because the challenge was between the presenters' actual cars and not cars they bought just for the show. To be honest, it was fairly obvious who's car was better right from the start, but it was still a good bit of TV. And then there was the silly challenge, which was also quite predictably good TV, but what else did you expect when Clarkson dresses his car up like a fox and gets a bunch of posh English fox-hunters (including The Hamster, but not for some reason May, the man who seems a lot more gentry) to hunt him down through the English countryside. Amusement (I was going to say hilarity, but that would probably be going a bit far) ensues as Clarkson destroys forests, demolishes hedges and ford the odd river or two. It is true that the producers probably told the hunters not to catch him too quick thereby making the whole thing a bit staged, but it was still good fun to watch. And for once I was rooting for Clarkson and not The Hamster xD

Thirdly, my Doctor Who replacement, the oddly amusing Bonekickers. It's a poorly acted, poorly written programme about a bunch of archaeologists uncovering this week's mystery and solving it in blown out of proportion storylines including (and this was all this week): mysterious swords, shipwrecks, tribes of escaped slaves, drug-driving, murders, arsons, a kidnapping or two and a black US presidential candidate. Although not amazing TV, it's good fun to watch and it amuses me enough to keep me watching for the whole hour xD Plus, as it's a drama made by the BBC, a series only lasts 6 episodes so all the season-long plot arcs are over pretty quick xD

On a separate note, before I got home and milked iPlayer of its TV goodness, I went to the cinema with my mum, sister and Yoda tonight to see Mamma Mia! (the explanation mark is in the title, I'm not shouting). It's pretty good, and you can tell that the cast all must have had a great time filming it, and it apparently sticks to the Broadway musical's storyline almost perfectly (my sister and mum have seen it). The three dad's were of course the best bits, although Colin Firth should have got more singing in, because it was just funny xD Pierce Brosnan got a song in, and he cannot sing, but that just makes it all the funnier :P The other dad is the Swedish actor who plays Will Turner's dad, Bootstrap Bill, in the Pirates movies, and being in a Pirates movies (and not being called Keira or Orlando) means I have to love you, so given that I liked Pierce and Colin already, I didn't know which one of the 3 I wanted the dad to actually be x

Julie Walter's character is really good, although she's always pretty good, so there was no surprise there. Also, I'm glad that Amanda Seyfried got a role that didn't have her playing someone daft like she does in Mean Girls (she's the blonde plastic) because she plays it pretty well.

I also watched the first 2 From Dusk Till Dawn movies, but I'm not writing about them until I've watched the 3rd, a prequel to the first or so I'm told...

So all in all, I had a fairly pointless day, but it amused me, and that's enough to make me happy ^^ I'll try and actually do something productive tomorrow... Oh yeah, I'm signing on, so I suppose that counts xD I might actually start looking for a job too... because if I go on Mhairi's estimates of how much money I'll need then I'll need to be earning like a grand a month xD

Anyways, that'll do for one post, so I'll write again tomorrow. Maybe I'll be bothered to make my bike work by then xD

Sunday 20 July 2008

News... News... News...

Well it's not exactly news, but I do have a lot to write about xD It probably won't be as long as it could be though because I have 3 films to watch xD

So Friday night was Max's party, and it was damn good xD The boy has a maaaaassive house with 4 living rooms and a sauna... He's minted xD I didn't get that drunk, well I did at the start but I let myself sober up, for once I decided I didn't want to get so drunk I'd regret it the next day, a lesson a certain Ms. Rutherford might want to learn xD At least she didn't throw up :P

His house was soooooooooooooo messy the moring after... Me, Paul, Mhairi, Sarah, Steven and Michael all stayed to help him clean it up and even with all of us helping, when we left it was still a state xD There was about 6 or 7 bags just full of glass bottles and and a good few more bags full of normal rubbish xD I'm glad I helped though, otherwise I woulda felt sooooo bad.

That night me, Paul, Mhairi and Steven decided we'd go into town for our tea and got ourselves a Jimmy Chung's. Everyone made fun of me because I ate so much so quickly, but I was hungry so it was worth it xD Then that evening we all went to the good cinema because Sarah works there and got us all in for free. We went to see Hancock but I didn't mind seeing it again because it didn't cost me a penny xD

Not done much today though, I've just showered and ate something, that's all...

Well, something eventful did happen (as anyone on MSN just now will know xD)... I was in the shower with the radio on and Music from the Movies came on (it's a competition where the DJ plays a song from the movies and you text or email in what movie it's from). After a couple of clues I had worked out what movie it was from and decided that when I came out the shower I would email in just for the sake of it. So when I got out the shower I almost forgot about the whole thing because apparently the whole way through my shower I was flooding the bathroom and the whole floor had a layer of water on it xD I don't know how I managed it, but I cleaned the whole mess up without anyone in my house realising what I'd done, even with the carpet in the hall soaking up a fair amount of water as well xD

Well when I had cleaned it all up and got dressed I remembered about the competition and thought that I might as well just enter it, so I did. The song was Danger! High Voltage by Electric Six by the way, and the clue that put the nail in the coffin (I am loving that phrase right now xD) was "the movie starred Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore". So I emailed the manny saying something like "And the answer iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... Charlie Angels 2: Full Throttle! Or at least I hope it is xD" and my details, and then a few minutes later on the radio comes "And well done to Iain MacKinnon from Barnhill who is today's winner from Music from the Movies!" xD

I was soooooo happy xD Woulda be slightly happier if I could find someone else who heard him say it, but winning was good enough xD Apparently I've won Ultrabeat's album and Sam Sparro (that's how Amazon spells it...)'s album. Not exactly amazing prizes but that won't ruin my moment :P

So there ya go folks, go listen to your radioboxxes and enter the competitions, because real people do actually win the prizes xD

I'm away to go watch the From Dawn Till Dusk trilogy now so I'm ending this blog on a high :D


Friday 18 July 2008

Afternoon tea, pubs, podcasts and more

The Narnia books are a lot better when you don't know what's going to happen in them. I read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and then Prince Caspian and yes they were good books, but I knew what was going to happen and for me, a book is never as good when you know how it ends. That's why I usually like reading the book before watching the film or TV series that's based on it. This evening I started on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and already I like it more, and that's completely because I don't know what happens in the end (or the middle or the beginning for that matter).

So yesterday me, Paul, Catherine and Greg went round to Mhairi's and had a spot of afternoon tea. She had made scones and a carrot cake, and although the carrot cake didn't quite live up to mine, it was still really good :D We had tea, coffee and Pimms as well. Pimms o'clock! xD

Then Mhairi had to do some cleaning and Catherine had to go to work for a couple of hours so me, Paul and Greg decided we'd go down to the Birkhill Inn for a few pints. It was good fun, especially when we were recording ourselves a podcast (our second, if you want me to send you either/both of them then email me - personalidiot@hotmail.com). Mhairi and Catherine came and joined us later and then we all decided to go stay at Paul's because he had an empty house. That is all of us except Greg, who chose to stay at home and try take sunrise photos instead xD

Paul's was good, I bought myself a 70cl of Gordon's gin and 2 bottles of tonic water, so it was tonic water for me. Paul had himself some beer and Mhairi and Catherine were drinking vodka. It all started well with us watching St Trinians (damn good movie, it was at least the fourth time I'd seen it) and then some TV, but then Mhairi decided that the contents of her stomach would have a better time in Paul's sink than where they were supposed to be and prompty evacuated the lot of them. Once more I was the one holding back her hair... not that she hasn't had to do it for me often enough xD

Didn't do as much today, the 4 of us just lounged about Paul's house until we had to drop of Mhairi and Catherine and Mhairi's mum's work so she could give her a lift home. Paul came back to mine's afterwards and we had a Chinese for tea. It was good, and I once more had two starters ^^

Tomorrow I'm going to a wee, although actually quite big, perty at Max's house so that should be good, especially as I'm told he has a rather large house which even has a sauna... Can't wait for that xD

So I'll see you all some time later... And hopefully tell you the tales of the party xD

Oh, and PS (see Paul, it goes at the end): Good luck Paul! xD

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Greg Says:

Pimm's o'clock, old spice! ;D

We made a tree-thing

I went to Fiona's yesterday to help her make a treehouse with her little sister because they'd seen it be done on Winnie the Pooh the day before xD

I was amazed at how well we did it, it actually looked pretty good xD Not that I can show you the whole thing because the only picture Fiona's sent me is the door xD

Yeah, Fiona was in love with it so much that she decorated the door with fearns, but she's a weirdo :P

Paul came along later, but he didn't help with the treehouse... He did stay at my house afterwards though.

It was my dad's birthday yesterday too, and me and Catriona got him... and electric nose and ear hair trimmer! It was exactly what he wanted xD

And now today we're going to Birky to sample some of Mhairi's delicacies, so I better be hungry when I get there xD No doubt I'll write about it when I get back...

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Kinda might have...

Got into the movies mood again... Although 5 films in a day really isn't very many for me.

I watched 2 Monty Python movies, The Meaning of Life and The Life of Brian, and they're pretty good, but I wouldn't say they were my favourite movies or anything. I was surprised I only knew 1 song out of all of the songs in both of them, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, but I suppose everyone knows that.

This evening I watched The Fog (the 2005 remake, not the original) and Ghost Rider. The Fog was terrible, bad storyline, bad acting, the whole shebang, and having the guy who plays Superman in Smallville play the lead role was a baaaaaad decision...

Ghost Rider was slightly better, and had real actors in it... Well it had one, but that alone made it miles better than The Fog xD. Out of every superfhero movie I've seen, this one more than any other sets itself up for a sequel. Once you see the last scene you realise the whole movie is pretty much just an introduction to the character, and it ends with a real story beginning.

I also went to the cinema with Turgoose today, we went to see Hancock. I didn't realise until we were sat down in our seats the mistake I'd made... I was sitting in a cinema about to watch a film with a black lead actor with Matthew. Why I didn't see this happening before I got there I do not know... As soon as the opening titles appear Matthew goes "you see if the first person to appear on the screen is one of them [yes, be appalled] then I'm walking out of here." Thankfully the first guy on screen wasn't black, so he stayed in his seat. That didn't stop him from trying to count the number of black people who appeared on the screen though... He got somewhere in the 30s or 40s (thankfully he did most of the counting in his head) before he gave up during a prison scene. It didn't end there though, later on in the movie he started trying to persuade me that Will Smith has got "darker" over the years, and that he used to be a "pale brown." One day that boy will get kicked in... and he will deserve every single bit of it xD

Hancock itself was a pretty good movie. I did manage to predict a fairly big plot element pretty early on (I watch too many movies xD), but it seemed to shock the Hell out of Matthew xD. To be honest, I'm amazed that they managed to keep such a big shock out of the trailers and features for the film, and there's bits in it that most other advertising people would use in the trailer for any movie they were working on, but the advertising people for Hancock managed to keep it under wraps, and well done to them xD

I promised myself I'd stop watching so many movies and start doing better things, and it worked for a few days xD. But I don't have any more movies lined up so here's hoping I start reading Prince Caspian tomorrow, and if it's anything like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe I'll be done with it in a few hours, but once I've got through all the Narnia books maybe then I'll be able to use my sexy new library card...

Me and Jodes are cool... we got library cards...


Anyways, I'm away to bed soon seeing as I'm going to try and get an 11 oclock bus to Birky tomorrow and I need to wash my hair and stuff before I go so I'll have to get up at some stupidly early time... We're making a tree house, so it could be interesting xD

Monday 14 July 2008

AJ is 18 :O

She can now drive... vote... buy alcohol... but fags (again)... buy fireworks... watch and buy porn...

My name-a Borat...

Twas a good day, I must say, even if my morals prevented me eating anything in McDonalds while Kayleigh was buying people stuff xD

At least I got my veggie stuff on the barbeque :D

Lots of people are having birthdays... I want one xD

Anyways, I'm away to bed, being up this late is just silly...

Night ^^

Oh wait, Mhairi says my blog needs more photos, so here's on of me at the beach in St Andrews

If you ask me, it looks quite like the sort of photo an actor or model would have in their portfolio, or whatever they call it xD Pity I'm neither xD

Sunday 13 July 2008


And you thought I was exagerating...

No one is online...

And normally people are at 3 in the morning...

So I'm left alone eating my cheese on toast...

Ah well xD

Friday 11 July 2008

Oh dear God

I don't want kids. Well, girls anyway. It is scary how body-conscious little 8 year old kids are... One little black girl went "I don't want to be brown" and one girl with sooooo white teeth said that she didn't think her teeth were white enough.

When they were asked what dress size they thought was perfect, they said 8, and when the presenter asked what they would think about someone who was size 14, they went "ooooooooh... that's bigger than a person should be..." I mean come on, the kids are 8!

This program scares me... It really, really does...

Oh look, a 17 year old who's parents are buying her a boob job for her birthday ¬¬

Also, that Alesha Dixon woman, the one from Sugababes, is only a size B... The clever 17 year old thought she would have to be a DD for her boobs to look like they did. And to make it better, she was wearing a £4 Primark bra.

This boob job costs £7,500! I love how her boyfriend when she's not there is trying to be all high and mighty and saying that he's against the boob job, so I take it he was so persuasive that that is why he went to the operation with her, he's obviously taking such a stand against it ¬¬ He either secretly wants her to have bigger boobs, or he's lying to Alesha about how much he told her he didn't want her to get it.

Ha! 2 weeks after Boob Job Girl had her operation standing there under the billboard of Alesha that's untouched, talking about the untouched magazine cover, and she says she doesn't think women should be touched up. I mean come on, is plastic surgery not the biggest, most permanent touch up out there??

Anyways, I'm off now, so night night ^^

Thursday 10 July 2008

St Andrews

I told Paul I'd write about it so here I am xD

So off me, Paul and Mhairi went to St Andrews this morning. There was supposed to be more of us but Catherine had work, Lisa and Greg had no money, Michael was helping Don move in, Matthew was Matthew etc etc etc. Anyways, it was still good fun with just the three of us :D

Most of the day was spent on the beach drinking our loverly Tescos alcomahol (thank you Paul for the gin & tonic and the beer :P) hiding in between sand dunes to keep away from the wind, another good idea by Paul, it worked amazingly xD

And thank you to Paul and Mhairi for buying me a Subway, and sorry for being such a "trouble maker" making you have to wait in that queue for so long xD If you ask me it was worth it...

We wandered about the shops and stuff too, and looked in some art gallery where all the art was by kids under the age of ten who all wanted way too much money for their pictures xD I mean come on, leaving a paint tub upside down and letting the paint dry weird was not worth the price they were asking for xD

So yeah, it was good day :D and we went back to Mhairi's afterwards with Catherine, and she smelt a bit, but it was still good ^^

On another note, I just finished reading The God Delusion, it's a pretty good book and I'm glad that I bought it, I'm just annoyed that it took me so damn long to read xD It's not even that long a book, I just always seemed to rather play on my PS3 or watch TV and movies than read, something I'm trying to stop :P

Like I was telling Viki tonight, I'm going to try and watch less movies and TV, and try and do more interesting things in my life, even if it is just help my parents around the house, or go and look after my little cousins who my gran is stuck with for the next week and a half xD

I suppose she could just use her Jedi mind tricks on them to keep them quiet...


If you believe that the world is 6000 years old (the age taught in Christian schools, including a state school in England, not just the silly American ones) rather than the scientifically agreed age, that is equivalent to saying that the distance between New York and San Francisco is 7.8 yards.

Suck on that Evangelists xD

Oh dear Dickie...

"All three of the boarding schools I attended employed teachers whose affection for small boys overstepped the bounds of propriety"

Yes folks, he's openly admitting that all three of the (and I'm almost certain all 3 were Catholic schools) he went to employed paedophiles... The thing is he's actually defending them xD Although I have to say that as long as they don't do anything with their urges then I suppose they can be left alone, unlike Jodie who thinks they should be killed xD

It gets worse though:
"I felt obliged to come to their defense, even as a victim of one of them (an embarrassing but otherwise harmless experience)"

So one of them tried it on with you eh? xD You lucky, lucky boy xD

Wednesday 9 July 2008

I am happy

Because not only have I actually been reading instead of watching TV, movies or playing computer games, but also because Dickie (everyone named Richard has had their name changed to Dickie) Dawkins is pro-choice. Admittedly, he's probably just pro-choice because he's dead against religious people who're pro-life, but hey, I admire the man so when someone I admire agrees with an opinion of mine it makes me happy.

Also, I really like this quote in The God Delusion (I really like a lot of quotes in it, but I can only be bothered typing one xD):

"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man - living in the sky - who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time... But He loves you!"
- George Carlin

And now I'm away to bed because I'm gonna have to get up early tomorrow because I'm going to St Andrews. Here's hoping the weather forecast got it very wrong xD

Night ^^

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Robbie here, Iain bored

Not that I'm commenting on his ability to amuse me or anything xD

BBC iPlayer's really not all that exciting... I watched some program that looked at what the people from Vets in Practise are doing these days, an episode of New Tricks (damn good program but it was in the middle of some thing you had to have seen last week's episode to understand) and then some conspiracy program about 9/11 which buffered so often that I just switched the normal TV on.

Thankfully, The F Word isn't that bad, even if I can't eat anything on it, as Robbie loved to point out xD

At least I didn't spend an hour or two looking at Warhammer stuff, he's too cool for school xD "Actually, I'm just not intelligent enough to be there, and I'm a tad old" or so he claims... Thankfully he's stopped now xD

Seeing Gordon Ramsay worried and scared is funny... "He's a fucking rottweiler!" No Gordon, he's just you but Chinese xD

Bruce Almighty II: Everybody Dance Now

AKA Evan Almighty, but I like my name better...

I don't care what critics say, the film was pretty good xD Thankfully Steve Carrell was given the lead role because, despite what certain people say, he's actually a good leading man when it comes to comedies, and for once, film critics agree with me on this one xD

Plus there's the whole saving the planet message that they're trying to get across with the movie, and the makers even planted over 2,000 trees to carbon offset the production of the film (that means that the tree planted will technically soak up all the carbon dioxide that was produced during the production of the film). They also used over 200 CGI animals rather than real life ones, they donated as much of the set and production stuff as possible to charity, they asked for donations from everyone at the premiere, they used recycled materials wherever they could, and they raised enough money for some save-the-planet charity to plant another 15,000 trees. So they were hardly horrendous people xD Although I bet they regret all that now seeing as it cost $200,000,000 to make the film (including marketing, the cost of the script - a record $2,500,000, and people's wages - $5,000,000 for Carrell alone) and they've only made $173,000,000 to date :P

On the topic of Jim Carey films xD The bastard better not ruin Yes Man... That was a really good book (it's by Danny Wallace! Go read it!) and I don't want it ruined by him... He's okay in some films, but in others he's crap so here's hoping for a good one xD

Going in town tomorrow... gonna get my library card activated xD I am too cool. Y'see if Dundee's libraries have Danny Wallace and Dave Gorman's books then I am having me some fun xD

Anyways, I'm away now, so I'll see yis all soon...

Monday 7 July 2008

Mr Smith, Mrs Smith, and Mr John

Brad Pitt can actually act! All be shocked! 'Cause I really was...

Apparently having a relationship with your co-star, albeit a secret one at the time Mr and Mrs Smith was made, helps you act. Wasn't a stunningly memorable film, but it was good fun to watch, and it actually got my mum to sit and watch the last half hour with me, even at 2 in the morning :D

Also watched Ice Age and Ice Age 2 today and yesterday, I'd never seen them before, at least not the whole way through, and their not that bad, I actually laughed out loud a couple of times...

Watched Kingdom of Heaven today as well, the director's cut. Except when it comes to this movie the director decided to add an extra 48 minutes to the movie taking it well over the 3 hour mark ¬¬ And that included a 3 minute interval where the screen's black and some music plays xD Orlando Bloom's a letdown as usual, but some of the other actors are pretty good, especially Ed Norton, even though you never actually get to see his face, the filthy leper that he is!

Saw Elton John tonight xD My parents had a spare ticket and I thought that I might as well go for it, 'cause I'd regret it afterwards if I didn't go :P So away I go off to Perth and he wasn't actually half bad, especially when he announced "I'll be right back folks, I'm away for a pee!" half way through xD

Matthew was right, I did know a few more of the songs than I thought I would. I went in thinking the only song by him I know is Are You Ready for Love...but there was a few more I knew bits and pieces of. I really didn't want him to sing Sandal in the Bin but he went ahead and did it, thankfully with the original lyrics (or so I think anyway xD).

Aaaaaaanyways, I think I'm away to go to bed now, the deleted scenes are about to finish and I'm going to try and help with the housework tomorrow to get on my dad's good side, not that I'm on his bad side, I just want to get even more on his good side xD He's the one who doesn't think I should be charged rent for this gap year, so I'm sucking up to him a lot xD

Night night folks!