Wednesday 19 March 2008


I really need to start getting more sleep... I keep falling asleep with my laptop on me xD It's not very elegant and it's annoying when you're trying to watch a film or talk to someone on MSN xD

It probably has something to do with me not going to sleep untill well after 1 (it was 3 on Sunday night) and then getting up at half 6 for school... Then when I get in from school I lie on my bed all comfy and cosy with my laptop and just kind of drift off xD My mum came and spoke to me earlier and told me to tell my dad something but because I was half asleep I haven't got a clue what it is xD

Amy MacDonald just came on :D Gotta love This Is The Life :D Admitedly it's the only good song by her but I ain't gonna reject someone just because their musical career has only produced one song worth listening to xD

You know what's annoying? The fact that we're off school on Friday. It makes it seem like today is a Thursday so I get all excited that it's a new episode of Lost tomorrow then I realise it's only Wednesday so I've got 2 days to wait ¬¬

Speaking of Lost, how amazing was last week's episode? :O I knew it was coming and it was soooo predictable that Michael was gonna be on the freighter but when he actually appeared I got so excited xD I'm not ashamed to admit that I actually screamed when he popped up xD He was in the episode earlier on too... but I doubt many people noticed that... When Desmond and Sayid are on the freighter's deck watching the woman commit suicide if you freezeframe the group of sailors on the deck you can see him amongst them half-hiding behind his hood. That reminds me... I need to go have a lookie over at Lostpedia to see if there's anymore trivia about the episode on there xD

How cool were the flashes too? Because the producers said in the Official Lost Podcast that the last 2 members of the Oceanic 6 were gonna be shown this episode I assumed that it would be Sun and Jin so I went on the Lostpedia article for the Oceanic 6 after watching the 1st part of the episode and when Sun's face popped up and Jin's didn't I kinda knew something was up xD Damn producers tricking me xD Really good idea though, make it seem like it's the same flashforward from 2 perspectives when it was really a flashforward for Sun and a flashback for Jin. Also, how damn sexy does flashforward Hurley look in a suit? xD Gotta love that guy (even my desktop background is a picture of him xD). But that final scene... with Hurley, Sun and Ji Yeon and Jin's grave... how sad was that? I was crying and everything xD One thing though... the gravestone said that Jin died on the day of the crash so here's hoping he's actually still alive on the island :D

Suppose this should do for an enty xD Seems pretty long and I don't want people to get too bored xD

So bye for now...

1st Post

I'm supposed to be doing a short story for English and editing down my dissertation by a 1000 words but I really can't be bothered xD

So I've started a new blog instead =D

I've been meaning to make one since Kyle made his short-lived blog and now Mhairi's made one on some daftie Swedish site I decided to make one at last :D

Hopefully this one'll last longer than the 3 I've had in the past (two lasted 2 post and one managed an enormous 5 xD). Don't actually know what I'm gonna stick up here though, probably just what's on my mind ^^

Anyways, that'll do for a first post, just thought I should explain why this thing's here xD